Monday, May 5, 2008

Glimplses of Online Leaders Club Session - Review of EPAD by Leader Alpesh

unnatichandresh: Today’s Topic – Review of e PaD - Exploring Potential Achieving Dream (Leadership Development Program) Host – Leader Alpesh
unnatichandresh: Now I invite Leader Alpesh to share his experience from this great process
leaderalpesh: thanks a lot for inviting me, sir
leaderalpesh: everyone had got potential
leaderalpesh: but due to certain circumstance it always remain unexplored
leaderalpesh: but after joining epad i learnt a lot and that i can share with you
leaderalpesh: 1. Coherence of Thoughts, Words & Action :You should keep in mind that it should be in one line. It will create your positive image on opposition.
leaderalpesh: whatever you think, words should be accordingly and in the same way action should be taken
leaderalpesh: 2. Be Accountable & Don’t Blame others : Be Accountable to yourself and your concern by taking responsibility by asking “ What you can do rather than why you can’t do”. Remember you are what you are today because of the choices you made yesterday. The choice you make today will determine your tomorrow. Take responsibility of creating your tomorrow, as you desire by doing what is required today.
leaderalpesh: accountability in life solves many of the problems in our daily routin
eleadersunali: how u practice that in ur day 2day life?
leaderalpesh: normally i use to learnt the situation first
leaderalpesh: i try to understand the situation
leadersunali: great!!!
leaderalpesh: 3. Get Started N O W only : Make a note and regularly update your Wish List. Each success will encourage you to add more on the list. Remember, either you choose to create your destiny or it will be created by your circumstances & other people. Why should you take a chance with your life when you have the potential to create your future ? Wish to have, become, or be are the desires to have more, become bigger, or be better.
leaderalpesh: i was very much lazy in going gym
leaderalpesh: but after joining epad immediately i paid fees for twelve months and started
unnatichandresh: Great
leaderalpesh: 4. Change your Attitude – Habit of ThinkingChange can only take place on your realization that some of your attitudes are hurdles to your success & leadership development. Awareness is the first step to change. Use of affirmation is one of the easiest ways to change you attitudes. You must affirm repeatedly what you desire to be.
leaderalpesh: 5. Use of Affirmation & Visualization :Affirmations are statements in the form of lies that we tell ourselves often with an expectation that they become true. Affirmation is a positive declaration of what you want to be. The repetition of positive thought over and over, day after day begins to affect your subconscious mind. Affirmations are more effective when these are Positively stated in the form of I in Present tense with Enthusiasm. The only requirement on you part is to have belief in your affirmations and yourself. Visualization : While you affirm for the changes within you, you imagine the end result of your goals through visualization. You set free your imagination and create the picture of your goal in your mind before it becomes a physical reality. Visualization stimulates your desire and operates you April 4, 2008mind’s filter mechanism.
leaderalpesh: 6. Change your Perception & Self Image :Your outside world is reflection of your inside world. You create on the outside what you perceive inside. Perception is the way you think about yourself. For instance, if you are wearing colored glasses, everything you see through the glasses looks colored. Perception is the way you see & relate to people. Perception is the way you think about yourself.
A positive self – image gives rise to possibility & positive expectancy. Success is not achieved by a trick or a skill; Ultimately successful is the one who thinks “ I Will” Development of a strong self – image precedes development of leadership.
leaderalpesh: 7. Create Great Vision :Vision is the foundation on which any future is constructed. Without a vision, the world would not be where it is. Without a vision, you will keep adjusting to your circumstances. Motivation generated by your vision and dreams and hope of gain, goes a long way. Having dreams gives you strength to overcome any obstacle or setback.
leaderalpesh: M A S T E R your G O A L :Your goals will originate from your mission for each area of your life. Your goals will also emanate from your wish list. One way of finding goals in each area of your life is finding the un satisfaction in that area. Setting a goal in an attempt to convert your Wish into a Reality generates a strong force for self motivation. The importance of goal is governed by your priorities, so make sure your Goals are M A S T E R .
M : Measurable A : Attainable S: Stretchable
E: Enthusiastic R : Realistic
leaderalpesh: 9. Know your R O T I : Return On Time Investment : You should be always aware of your dreams and Goals you want to achieve so make sure that every minute converted into productivity will help you to reach your goal. So don’t waste it and get started from now to achieve your Dreams
leaderalpesh: 10. H V/ L V / N V Activities : For leadership development, you are required to do right thing at appropriate time for adequate time. For improving your effectiveness, you must add more of high value activities in each area of your life. Remember high value activities are those that advance your goals having value more than that of your time. Challenge your self, think of your unexplored potential and look at your goals in line with your wish list. work continuously towards delegating the LV activities. Eliminate your NV activities.
leaderalpesh: 11. Power of Listening : Listening gives you an area of improvement; and you become aware & cautious of this deficiency in the people you work with. Affirm your self that you are an excellent listener. Listening will helps you to understand people better and in turn, they will understand you better.
leaderalpesh: 12. Power of Persuasion ( Prerna ) :Leadership development demands leveraging strengths of people for a common vision. The fundamental of persuasion lies in approaching, establishing and sustaining relationship of an “All can Win” attitude. A true leader, by persuasion, induces a belief and values in others by influencing their thoughts and actions. When people see their win in the win of a leader they stand persuaded and become ready to go to any extent of exploration of their potentials to convert the vision of the leader into a reality.
leaderalpesh: For persuasion to be effective three elements must be present: Trust, Logic, and Emotions. You need to make good first impression by establishing trust through attitude (body language, voice tone ) and personal appearance; you have to present your point with sound logic; and you have to charge the environment by emotions, though in control.
leaderalpesh: 13. Leverage People & Money : Leverage means using given resources in such a way that the potential positive or negative outcome is magnified. You have to leverage you access to money, people, and technology to make you move you towards your goals much faster than what you alone could do.
leaderalpesh: Delegate your low value activities to people around, it creates a win win relationship. Remember your low value activities are generally high value activities for the people you delegate. By this, people improve confidence, loyalty and skills. True leaders develop leaders and not followers.
leaderalpesh: in short the learning of e pad is if life is considered as a journey than goals are the road map so stretch your goal as maximum as you can to explore your potential for achieving desired dreams.
leadersunali: which tangible & intangible results u hv derived frm epad?
leaderalpesh: i became the best listener
leaderalpesh: and due to affirmation i am the coolest person
leadersunali: great change leader Alpeshbhai
leaderalpesh: thanks sunali
leaderdewang: thanks alpesh for sharing epad experience
unnatichandresh: Thank you Leader Alpesh for this amazing session