Thursday, April 17, 2008

Online Leaders Club Session: Topic - Culture by Shri V. P. Mashroo

unnatichandresh: Today's Topic: Culture
Host: Leader V P Mashroo
unnatichandresh: Till Leader VP join us I have something interesting to share in context of Business Culture
leaderraju: Good to have
unnatichandresh: I found that there are several business culture styles
leaderraju: Excellent
unnatichandresh: here is one example
unnatichandresh: Interpersonal Interaction Model
unnatichandresh: • Power Culture: Strong leaders are needed to distribute resources. Leaders are firm, but fair and generous to loyal followers. If badly managed there is rule by fear, abuse of power for personal gain, and political intrigue.
• Achievement culture: Rewards results, not unproductive efforts. Work teams are self-directed. Rules and structure serve the system, not an end by themselves. A possible downside is sustaining energy and enthusiasm over time.
• Support Culture: Employee is valued as a person, as well as a worker. Employee harmony is important. Weakness is a possible internal commitment without an external task focus.
• Role Culture: Rule of law with clear responsibility and reward system. Provides stability, justice, and efficiency. Weakness is impersonal operating procedures and a stifling of creativity and innovation.
unnatichandresh: Any reflection on this model?
unnatineeru: just my thought - what is our culture at UNNATi?
leaderraju: i more on support culture
unnatineeru: i think we have Achievement culture
leaderraju: but i am coming up with new culture is Achievement Culture, so i am working on the same.
unnatichandresh: Risk & Feedback Model
• Macho, Tough-guy Culture: High risks, quick feedback of results. (Advertising, entertainment)
• Work-hard & Play-hard Culture: Few risks, quick feedback. (Sales driven)
• Bet-the-Company Culture: High risk, slow feedback. (Aerospace)
• Process Culture: Little to no feedback. Concentration is on "how" work is done. (Highly regulated, government)
unnatichandresh: your reflection?
leaderraju: it's really interesting that this kind of models are there
unnatineeru: cannot understand it very well
unnatineeru: risk as mentioned is to whom?
unnatichandresh: in this context risk is to the business owner
unnatichandresh: The other model is Understanding Culture
unnatineeru: okay
unnatichandresh: This is based on following questions:
1. Who sets the style and pace?What kind of Role Model are they?"Do as we do" or "Do as we say?"
2. What behavior is rewarded, condemned or ignored?Is feedback constant, intermittent, at job completion, or never?Are improper or unethical practices condoned through silence?
3. What information is shared? (needed vs. desired information)Is upward information flow constrained? (Do you really know?)
4. How is superior performance encouraged?What type of performance appraisal system is used?How are the best qualified people recruited?Is training and development offered to everyone?
5. Are values backed up by time and money? unnatichandresh: 6. What is the relative importance of- bottom line results?- saving face?- power building?
unnatineeru: i think these things are very important at the top leadership level - unnatineeru: Concious thought has to be given to things which are happening and being done unconciously.
unnatineeru: i believe that one can begin by identifying the culture at present and also the culture one wants to be striving to achievev in ones organistaionnbibfgunnatineeru: organisation
unnatineeru: then the culture change can begin as a gradual process through constant Human Resource intervention.
unnatichandresh: Welcome Leader VP
unnatichandresh: We all were waiting for you, glad to see you here
leaderraju: Welcome from Raju
leadervp: Welcome to all of you in the club and the subject Culture
unnatichandresh: Thanks Leader VP
unnatichandresh: You share your ideas and thoughts about culture and then we can discuss
leadervp: OK
leadervp: The culture is about value and belief of all people, affecting what they think and what they do. Culture is about what we really value,we really demonstrate and what we do rather than what we say.leadervp: Culture is demonstrated in three different patterns: [1] Behaviour; [2] Symbols, and [3] Systems. These all three are part of values
unnatineeru: could you please elaborate on symbols
leaderraju: it's really good to Know.....
unnatineeru: very true
leadervp: The symbols are events, which we genrally observes in and all around. It is artifects and decisions to which people attribute and give meaning. For example, the Notice Board, Open Door Policy, Aesthetic View of Home, Office, Factory and Cities.
unnatineeru: okay - makes sense
unnatineeru: the culture of the temple is also formed by armosphere there - that is what you mean by symbols
leadervp: The Systems are how the mechanisms works, either in home, society, school, college, institution or the organisation and observation how activities, tasks and people are managed through the system.
leadervp: So when we think of culture, we must think of all the three at a timeleaderraju: yes it's very true and now we see what we have.....
unnatineeru: powerful thoughts and sharing
leadervp: Neeru, yes, you are right. Temple is also part of culture. The cleanliness , the rituals followed by pujari and devotees, the concentration in the god through meditation and way of worship people apply shows the culture.
leadervp: Any questions ?
unnatichandresh: Can you explain Behaviour?
leadervp: Behaviour is an external part which we all see through our eyes. Behaviors is what appears before us in terms of our walking, talking, expressing, uniform etc. The attitude is the perception, belief, mindset, thinking etc.
leaderraju: How do we know more about systeam which is correct or Wrong.... sometime we don't know what we are doing is right or what? what is parameter for the sameunnatineeru: behaviour means also how we are percieved - please comment
leadervp: Now there are right behavior and worong behavior which you can immediately judge and justify the way you feel. However attitude is hidden. Ultimately the behaviou is the outcome. When we analyze behavior, we can unfold it terms of perception, moto, purpose, mindset, values, rules, context, perception, status, ego, autocracy, habits, conditioning, relationship, attitude, etc. etc.
leadervp: We can split behavior into two patterns. Enriching Behavior and Selfish Behavior.
leadervp: Enriching behavior is the leader's behavior. It benefits the whole. It is higher level attitude. It's a part of transformational change.
unnatineeru: can you plese share an example of enriching behaviour
leadervp: The Selfish Behavior is very short term and do not play to a greater good and it is confined, I, Me and Ours. It should be avoided. Did you get my points.
leadervp: The enriching behavior is discipline, relationship, motivation, quality, performance, doing what we say, developing other people, care, innovation, focus on developing others, spending time and money for others, being truthful and useful to others.
leaderraju: Excellent, i am sured if we by heart follow then definetely works miracle
unnatineeru: makes sense
leadervp: The example of selfish behavior is self centered in terms of money, profit, status, avoiding conflict, retaining power, possession, prestige, appearing good rather than trying to be good, I am always right sorts of attitude.
unnatichandresh: Welcome Shyam Taneja
leadervp: I welcome to Taneja saheb
unnatishyam: Thanks Leader Mashrooji.
unnatishyam: I had lot of urgent work but something pulled me to the chatbox. I know who is that now
unnatichandresh: Leader VP can you share something on business culture... how do we integrate positive culture into business?
leadervp: OK. I will share with you. We need to first assess which culture prevails in the organization. Is it Enriching Culture or Selfish Culture. Whether it Power Culture, Role Culture, People Culture or Value Driven Culture. Based on this assessment, we will have some idea about what culture is to be discouraged and which needs Encouragement.
leadervp: Culture Decides and pervades through TOP Boss, Manager, Leader or CEO. He can think which culture will lead the people, resourses and performance top. It will decide where, when, how and how fast which Culture will take company fast.
unnatichandresh: How do we know which is an ideal culture for business organizations? Power Culture, Role Culture, People Culture or Value Driven Culture?
leadervp: There are three types of Companies: (a) Growing Companies, (b) Sustaining Companies and (3) Unsuccessful Companies. The Growing Companies can grow further if they place high importance on culture of Zero Defect, Customer Focus, People Come First, Team Culture, Culture of Innovation and Creativity and Culture of "We Will, We Can" sort of winning mindset culture. The sustaining companies can think of looking for growth culture and the failure companies can introspect about demotivating behaviour of top people and change the mindset of centric values.
leadervp: Power Culture can be visualized by assessing whether only one or two people are exercizing the monetory and resource power within themselves. Do these people always try to control all people action and activities? Is he allowing or not allowing the system, process or procedure into works?
leadervp: The Role Culture is visualised by assessing whether there are clear expectations about who does what, how and how much. Here the authority is the hidden and the power is run by the support of thinking and charactor of top person and not the position and rules.
unnatishyam: Excellent Ldaer Mashrooji. I mdelighted by the knwoledge you have shared.Keep it up.
leadervp: In People Culture we find sharing, caring, concern for others, empathetic listening, openness, transperancy, open communication and environment of love, joy, peace, fun, play and engorssment and dedication in behavior and result is found volunterily all around
leaderraju: keep going and complete total concep please, don't disconnect
unnatichandresh: ok
leadervp: thanks
leaderraju: Today is Most Valuable Sessions
leadervp: Value Driven Culture is the culture where people start staying together physical nearness and selflessely. They built friendship, and sense of concern for each other. It then turns into common goal, then, it turns into missionary zeal and finally it is fully focussed on achieving common shared Vision. Gandhiji's work was part of Value Driven Culture. JRD and Naryan Murthy are also unique examples of Value Driven Culture
leadervp: Thank you very much to all of you. Good Buy.
unnatichandresh: Great
leaderraju: Good Bye Bye!
unnatineeru: great - thanks leader mashrooji
unnatineeru: it was pleasure
unnatichandresh: Thank you Leader VP for this enlightening session.
Next Session Info: 24/4/08, Thursday
Venue: 33, New York Tower-A, SG Highway, Thaltej
Topic will be shared very soon.
Till then have a great week…

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Online Leaders Club Session 13

unnatichandresh: Today’s Topic: Leadership – Lessons from Who Moved My Cheese

Prepared by – Leader Nirav

Host: CV
unnatichandresh: In the discussion with Leader Nirav regarding today’s session he shared that Leadership starts from within. Its all about changing oneself.

unnatichandresh: “Cheese” – a metaphor for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like jogging or golf.unnatichandresh: Each of us has our own idea of what Cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy. If we get it, we often become attached to it. And if we lose it, or it’s taken away, it can be traumatic.
unnatichandresh: Leaders kindly share what Cheese is for you. You may share one Cheese, for example for me Cheese is 200 students enrolled for I Can I Will Success Read in coming Summer Vacation from 28th April 2008.

unnatichandresh: Leader Raju, Leader Sunali, NG kindly share what cheese is for you 1 example

leaderraju: My Cheese is Do Complete Person Workshop In USA & Dubai.unnatichandresh: Thanks Leader Raju...

unnatineeru: My cheese -doing a workshop at Osho mediatation center

leadersunali: my cheese exploring potential achieving dreams

unnatichandresh: ONCE, long ago, there lived 4 little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them & make them happy.Two were mice named “Sniff” & “Scurry” and two were little people named “Hem” & “Haw”.

unnatichandresh: Every morning, the mice & the little people dressed in their running gear & headed over to Cheese Station C where they found their own kind of cheese. It was a large store of Cheese that Hem & Haw eventually moved their homes to be closer to it & built a social life around it.

unnatichandresh: To make themselves feel more at home, Hem & Haw decorated the walls with sayings. One read:Having Cheese Makes You Happy

unnatichandresh: Thanks Leader Sunali... Leaders are you happy if you have your Cheese?leaderraju: yes I do......

unnatineeru: looks like that at this moment, but my prior experience says - this too shall pass

leadersunali: enlightined

unnatichandresh: One morning, Sniff & Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C & discovered there was no cheese.They weren’t surprised. Since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they were prepared for the inevitable & knew instinctively what to do. They were quickly off in search of New Cheese.

unnatichandresh: Later that same day, Hem & Haw arrived. “What! No Cheese? Who moved my Cheese? It’s not fair!”, Hem yelled. They went home that night hungry & discouraged. But before they left, Haw wrote on the wall: The More Important Your Cheese is To You, The More You Want To Hold Onto It.

unnatichandresh: The next day Hem & Haw left their homes, & returned to Cheese Station C. But situation hadn’t changed. Haw asked, “Where are Sniff & Scurry? Do you think they know something we don’t?” Hem scoffed, “What would they know? They’re just simple mice. They just respond to what happens. We’re little people. We’re smarter.”

unnatichandresh: Haw suggested, “Maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and just get going & find some New Cheese.
Haw decided to leave Cheese Station C while Hem was more comfortable staying in the cheeseless Station C. Haw announced, “It’s MAZE time!” and wrote:
If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct

unnatichandresh: Can you share one change that you have made last week?

leaderraju: frankly speaking nothing , not remember

unnatineeru: started working smarter on exploration camp - marketing

unnatichandresh: Ok Leader Raju can you share one change that you have made in past 1 year?

unnatineeru: also satrted using youth power more effectively fo rtheir growth and the grwoth of UNNATI

leaderraju: as i have told you earlier that to barbar i have changed

unnatichandresh: yes i do remember Leader Raju... thanks for reminding...

leadersunali: i have become persistant

unnatichandresh: Meanwhile, Sniff & Scurry went farther into the maze until they found Cheese Station N. They found what they had been looking for: a great supply of New Cheese. It was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.

unnatichandresh: Haw on the other hand become more anxious & wondered if he really wanted to go out into the Maze. He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him & stared at it for some time:What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

unnatichandresh: SO what would you do if you weren't afraid Leaders?

leaderraju: Start doing something differently, change. Change means doing something different; something totally different. Change has two impulses, one of which comes from the external environment. They are things that happen over which we have no control. The other impulses are those changes we choose internally, aimed at keeping the organization or the self in tune with the present and sensitive to possible future events

unnatichandresh: Haw now realized that the change probably would not have taken him by surprise if he had been watching what was happening all along and if he had anticipated change. He stopped for a rest & wrote on the wall of the Maze:Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.

unnatichandresh: Haw wondered if Hem had moved on, or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears. Then, Haw remembered the times when he had felt his best in the Maze. It was when he was moving along. He wrote:Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find New Cheese.
As Haw started running down the dark corridor, he began to smile. Haw didn’t realize it yet, but he was discovering what nourished his soul. He was letting go & trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was. To his surprise, Haw started to enjoy himself more & more. He stopped to write again on the wall: When You Move Beyond Your Fear, You Feel Free.
unnatichandresh: To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses-from Cheddar to Brie! He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, & he enjoyed what he saw. The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the more real & believable it became. He wrote:Imagining Myself Enjoying New Cheese, Even Before I Find It, Leads Me To It.
unnatichandresh: Haw wondered why he had always thought that a change would lead to something worse. Now he realized that change could lead to something better. Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength & agility. Until he found bits of New Cheese. He entered the Cheese Station but it was empty. Someone had already been there. He stopped & wrote on the wall:The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner you Find New Cheese.
unnatichandresh: Haw made his way back to Cheese Station C to offer Hem bits of New Cheese but was turned down. Hem wanted his own Cheese back. Haw just shook his head in disappointment but this does not stop him from finding New Cheese. He smiled as he realized:It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In The Cheeseless Situation.

unnatichandresh: Haw realized again, that what you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.He realizes it was natural for change to continually occur, whether you expect it or not. Change could surprise you only if you didn’t expect it & weren’t looking for it.When he realized he had changed his beliefs, he paused to write on the wall: Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You To New Cheese.
unnatichandresh: Leaders can you share any of your new beliefs ?

unnatineeru: my new belief - letting go & trusting what lies ahead for me, even though i do not know exactly what it was.

unnatineeru: my new belief - everything i touch is success

unnatineeru: my new belief - accpeatnce of things and situations as they are

leaderraju: see new possibilitiy in every person arrounding and surrounding me

leaderdonaldr: My belief is what ever you want is possible depends how much you want it and the price one is willing to pay for it.

unnatichandresh: Haw just hoped he was heading in the right direction. He thought about the possibility that Hem would read The Handwriting On The Wall & find his way.He wrote on the wall what he had been thinking about for some time:Noticing Small Changes Early Helps You Adapt To The Bigger Changes That Are To Come.

unnatichandresh: He continued on through the Maze with greater strength & speed. He proceeded along a corridor that was new to him, rounded a corner, & found New Cheese at Cheese Station N where he saw the greatest supply of Cheese he had ever seen.Sniff & Scurry welcomed him.“Hooray for Change!”
unnatichandresh: Haw wrote down a summary of what he had learned on the largest wall of Cheese Station N & smiled as he looked at what he had learned:unnatichandresh: THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL

Ø Change Happens

Ø Anticipate Change

Ø Monitor Change

Ø Adapt To Change Quickly

Ø Change

Ø Enjoy Change !

Ø Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy It Again.
unnatichandresh: Move With The Cheese & Enjoy It !unnatichandresh: That was it...

unnatichandresh: So Leaders any reflection for today?

leaderraju: it's good


leaderdonaldr: Change is a part of life - move along with it .unnatihitendra: I realized change never wait for you for your change !leaderraju: yes it's trueunnatineeru: EPAD SAYS - IF YOU DO NOT CONCIOUSLY CHOOSE GROWTH YOU ARE CHOOSING TO DECAY THE CHOICE IS YOURS

leaderdonaldr: Jack Welch writes –
The new leaders must add value as COACHES, MENTORS, and PROBLEM SOLVERS, must allow people to accept credit for the successes and responsibility for failure and must continually evaluate and enhance their own leadership roles.
We have got to take out the Boss element .we have to keep winning on our ideas and not by whips and chains.
The function of Leader is to produce more leaders than followers.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Online Leaders Club Session 12

Today’s Topic: Learning

Host: CV
unnatichandresh: Last night I had a conversation with Leader Raju regarding today’s session as he was going to host this session but due to his busy schedule he is not available today. The discussion went around today’s topic and together we have created today’s session flow.What is Learning?Benefits of Learning?How do we Learning?
unnatichandresh: How do we learn (sorry for err)unnatichandresh: I remember one of the powerful thought shared by Elvin Toffler American Author of Science-fiction, b.1928 that the illiterates of the future are not those who cannot read and write but are those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn…unnatichandresh: What is Learning? I invite all of you to type the first word that comes to your mind when I ask you to think about “What is Learning?”
unnatichandresh: Just type out the first word that comes to your mind immediately… unnatineeru: continuous process

unnatineeru: learning is life

leadersunali: I learned cluster thinking from epad session.

leaderudayan: learning is

unnatichandresh: Some years ago Säljö (1979) carried out a simple, but very useful piece of research. He asked a number of adult students what they understood by learning. Their responses fell into five main categories: leadersunali: learning is evolving.unnatichandresh: 1. Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring information or ‘knowing a lot’.

2. Learning as memorising. Learning is storing information that can be reproduced.

3. Learning as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary.
4. Learning as making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning involves relating parts of the subject matter to each other and to the real world.

5. Learning as interpreting and understanding reality in a different way. Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge. (quoted in Ramsden 1992: 26)
unnatineeru: very interesting

unnatichandresh: Now as we know that learning has all these wide meaning... lets talk about what are the benefits of learning...

unnatineeru: no learning no growth

unnatineeru: as Mr. Taneja syas there is no steady state in the world either you grow or decay.

unnatineeru: when you learn continuously - you grow

unnatineeru: when you stop learning you start decaying

unnatineeru: i feel most of the adults start decaying because they stop learning

leaderudayan: i totally agree LEARNING SHOULD BE A LIFE LONG PROCESS

leadersunali: absolutely learning expands your horizons, unleash your potential from within and helps to achieve goals and dreams

unnatichandresh: So the question arises How do you learn?

unnatineeru: i think learning also is important for ones spiritual development

unnatineeru: i learn through reading

unnatineeru: through interaction

unnatineeru: through observation

unnatineeru: through experinece

unnatichandresh: People learn in different ways. And no one has a better learning style than anyone else. Howard Gardner declared in his book Frames of Mind about seven different learning styles; but it's easier to narrow it down to three types of learning . . . we'll call them: 1. Listening learners (Auditory)

2. Seeing learners (Visual)

3. Touch / experience learners (Kinesthetic)
unnatineeru: through not succeding - you are forced to think of ways to become successful leaderudayan: BY 'EPAD'

unnatineeru: can a person have a mixture of all three

unnatichandresh: Yes

unnatichandresh: It's simple really. Think about one of life's earliest lessons - often taught by our mothers: The Stove Can Burn You.

unnatichandresh: 1. Listening learners heard their mother, believed the information, and never touched a stove.

unnatichandresh: 2. Seeing learners watched their brother touch the stove, and never touched it.

unnatichandresh: 3. Experience learners touched the stove; but only once! unnatichandresh: Most people combine the styles of learning

unnatichandresh: Here are some everyday problems you might want to learn about. How would you learn more? Think about them - no way of learning is better than the others. Remember, the way you learn is perfect for you.

unnatineeru: reading books and learning is = listening readers?

leadersunali: according to me when you master your 5 senses and use for learning you get best results

unnatichandresh: Its a combination of both visual and auditory NG

unnatineeru: okay i was trying to think which learner i was? or rather which was my dominant style

unnatichandresh: We vary our learning styles according to situations and experiences we have every day

unnatineeru: can't figure it out - right now

unnatichandresh: Lets talk about this problem: Problem #1:You need to paint a room. How much paint and what supplies do you need?
unnatineeru: paint quantity will depend on th eroom you need paint brush, roller., ladder, clean cloth

unnatineeru: see the room

unnatichandresh: then?

unnatineeru: measure it and work out from a standard formula of how much paint is needed

unnatichandresh: So after figuring out the measurement and everything what you will do NG?

unnatineeru: am i alone or do i have a team

unnatichandresh: if you are alone what you will do?

unnatineeru: switch on some loud music and start painting

unnatichandresh: ok great NG...

unnatichandresh: Now let me share something very interesting

unnatichandresh: Listening Learners might: Call a painter, a friend, or paint store, and ask them for instructions before starting. Might attend a course on painting at the paint store.

unnatichandresh: Seeing Learners might: Look online for answers, read several websites. Go to a bookstore and find books and magazines about home improvement and painting. Go to the paint store and read the back of paint cans. Watch a course at the paint store.

unnatichandresh: Experience Learners might: Go buy a can of paint, a brush, and start painting. If there's not enough paint or you have the wrong brush, you just buy more. Eventually you learn how much paint and what supplies are required.

unnatichandresh: Do you see which learning style is dominating in you now NG?

unnatineeru: experential learning - definately

unnatineeru: makes sense

unnatichandresh: yes...

unnatichandresh: lets talk about another problemleaderudayan: PLAN ACTION ON A WORK SHEET AND THEN START....

leadersunali: 1st i'll visulize a room with color i would like to paint than think how to pain it in a best way, with the best resources

unnatichandresh: Leader Sunali will you call someone for painting?

leadersunali: YES


unnatichandresh: lets talk about one more problem and see which learning style dominates you

unnatineeru: great

unnatichandresh: Your boss wants you to plan a summer party for 25 coworkers and their spouses/partners. You've never planned anything before. How would you learn what to do?unnatichandresh: Thank leader Udayan... now think of this second problem what you will do?unnatineeru: i would just sit with a paper and first chalk out everything needed to be done unnatichandresh: What you will do Leader Sunali?

unnatineeru: i will then run the entire vent in my mind

unnatineeru: then i will run the entire event in my mind

unnatineeru: figure out things that i have missed

unnatineeru: figure out things that can possibly go wrong and aslo plan for back up

unnatichandresh: then NG?

unnatichandresh: What you will do Leader Sunali?

leadersunali: 1st i'll try to know from my boss why he is giving party? and how he want to give party to the coworkers and plan according to his wish...

unnatineeru: maybe i will show my list of work to a couple of people - who know or who can think and take suggections on what is missing?

unnatichandresh: What about you Leader Udayan?

unnatichandresh: ok let us see now what style dominates you

unnatichandresh: Listening Learners might: Call a friend who throws great parties, and cry HELP! Attend an upcoming party, and ask the host lots of questions. Call a party planner in the phone book and try to squeeze some tips out of them. Attend a class on event planning.

unnatichandresh: Seeing Learners might: Search for "party planning tips" through Internet search engines. Look for books about catering, event planning, and party games at the library.

unnatichandresh: Experience Learners might: Dive right in-walk around to coworkers' desks to ask them how many people are coming. Find a place to hold the event, buy lots of food at the local deli and determine in your head if it's enough. Hire a country band you heard at the bar last week, and learn by experience that alcohol melts through paper cups!unnatichandresh: What do you think NG which style Leader Sunali has used for this situation?

unnatineeru: i think i am a experential learner unnatineeru: but at the same time on things which i have no clue

unnatineeru: i usually would turn into a lsitening learner - ask for help and then work it from there

unnatichandresh: Yes... your dominating style is kinesthetic but you do use other styles according to the situations....NG

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Next Leaders Club Online Sessions Details

April 2008
Time: 9-10am
Day: Every Thursday

Date: 03/04/08, Topic: Learning, Host: Leader Raju

Date: 10/04/08, Topic: Leadership, Host: Leader Nirav

Date: 17/04/08, Topic: Culture, Host: Leader VP

Date: 03/04/08, Topic: Health, Host: Leader Sunali